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About ETP

Established in 1982, The Employment Training Panel (ETP) stands as a formidable California state agency under the auspices of the Employment Development Department (EDD). ETP is not merely an organization; it’s a driving force behind the state’s economic resilience. Devoted to its mission, ETP provides significant support for incumbent worker training, strategically aimed at retaining businesses and jobs within California. Through tailored training initiatives, the agency plays a crucial role in augmenting the competitiveness of companies statewide, ensuring they can thrive in the face of ever-evolving market dynamics.

In essence, ETP is more than a conventional training program; it’s a cooperative business-labor initiative designed to redefine workforce development. This forward-thinking program specifically targets the retraining of currently-employed workers, acknowledging the crucial role they play in maintaining a robust economic ecosystem. By redefining the landscape of training opportunities, ETP aligns the needs of employers for skilled workers with the aspirations of workers for stable, long-term employment.

Benefits you’ll love

Carrazco’s competitive strength resides in its people, methods, and tools. Our professional team is talented, credentialed and driven to succeed.

Provide workers with secure jobs that pay good wages and provide opportunities for advancement

Drive efficiency and productivity through specialized training programs

Make targeted investments in professional growth with confidence

Stay ahead in the dynamic market place

Play a vital role in state prosperity

Foster a culture of innovation and forward-thinking practices

Elevate your team's skills for industry leadership

Lay the groundwork for sustained business excellence

Empower Your Business, Seize ETP Benefits Today.